Wednesday, July 28, 2010

pengharaman puase sunat slps Nisfu Sya'baan~

we should know this!!

act i just know bout this matter,so thnk to one of the blog which i've been following...TAZKIRAH
nisfu sya'baan fall on every 15th Sya'baan,but we as followers of Mazhab Syafie, its HARAM n TIDAK SAH for us to fast after Nisfu Sya'baan but got some exceptions..

there are hadith related to this matter...
"Telah diberitakan kepada kami oleh Qutaibah, telah diberitakan kepada kami oleh 'Abdul 'Aziiz bin Muhammad, daripada al-'Alaa` bin 'Abdur Rahman, daripada ayahnya, daripada Sayyidina Abu Hurairah r.a. yang telah berkata: Telah bersabda Junjungan Rasulullah SAW: "Apabila tinggal baki separuh dari bulan Sya'baan, maka janganlah kamu berpuasa". Dan telah berkata Abu `Isa (yakni Imam at-Tirmidzi): "Hadits Abu Hurairah ini adalah hadits hasan shohih dan tiada kami ketahui akan dia melainkan dengan wajah (riwayat) ini atas lafaz ini.

Daripada Sayyidina Abu Hurairah r.a. bahawasanya Junjungan Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Apabila masuk separuh bulan Sya'baan, maka janganlah kamu berpuasa."

 Dan hadits yang telah diriwayatkan oleh Imam Ahmad, Imam Abu Daud, Imam at-Tirmidzi, Imam an-Nasai dan Imam Ibnu Majah, iaitu: "Apabila berbaki separuh daripada bulan Sya'baan, maka janganlah kamu berpuasa sehingga menjelang Ramadhan", adalah jelas pada yang demikan (yakni pada menyatakan haramnya berpuasa pada hari-hari selepas Nishfu Sya'baan).
 jadi pengecualiannya ialah:
 1) puasa sunat tersebut disambungkan atau dihubungkan dgn hari2 yg berada di Nisfu yg pertama............
2) puasa sunat tersebut telah menjadi amalan biasa seseorg..........
3) puasa qadha' samada qadha' puasa  fardhu atau  qadha' puasa sunat yg berwaktu.........
4) puasa qafarah tau puasa nazar dgn syarat ianya tidak dilakukan dgn sengaja dan dgn tahu yg hari yg dinazarkn itu adalah hari2 nisfu kedua bln Sya'baan.......
for futher info please visit this blog

every one should clear bout this thing...
salam perkongsian...=)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

doing nothing~

i'm having orientation week rite now...though i'm not rilly sure bout it...
i don't see any advantage of having this kind of week here..
bcause we did nothing except keep repeating the 'introduction' telling our names and from where we came from to every different lecturers that came to the lecture halls...

and one fav question is 'why u wanna become a doctor??'
its act a good question but if u have to answer it like so many times then it become lame...huh

what my answer was???
act i didn't answer that question...hahaha
only Allah knows what is the real answer.....=)
i don't think that i need speak out loud telling them my long as my niat is rite then insyAllah everything is going to be just fine...=)

today ke'boring'an tu mmg dh xtertahan lg...haha

during the morning session we went to biochem lab as one of the beautiful PG(postgraduates) wanted to show us all the apparatus that we are going to use-ermm maybe,i'm not sure=p
there got freezer to keep all the chemicals that need should be kept at low temperature,also got colorimeter, balance-many types act but didn't remember their names and etc..

then the evening session was even more boring...
as we were divided into small groups, so the groups which haven't go to the lab, went there in the evening..
now the groups who been there left with nothing to do...
i don't why they want to keep us there until 4 or 5 o'clock doing nothing...

later,one idea came into their mind i mean the 'tempes'..

pnah dgr Dr. wanna be menyanyi x???

hah ni la idea nye..menyanyi..
but thank to Allah the two boys sang so beautifully...
they really have nice voices...should go to program realiti tv like what we have in malaysia though i don't rilly like that kind india can la hahaha

the PG even ask any one of us to dance in front..ya Allah what's this??
ingat ni majlis ari jadi k??huh~
but alhamdulillah nobody came out to show his or her talents klu x xtau la ape akn jd...

act we left earlier than all the we have some stuff to settle,rilly???!!
Allah knows...
well now almost 5pm..n still haven't decide what to eat for dinner...
pnat la asyek nk kne pk mkn xde bende laen lak nk pk..
xpe la..
that all...
hopefully things we'll be better...insyAllah=)

Monday, July 19, 2010

a journey to incredible india??izit??

actually i don't rilly have idea what to write the traveling period hv been left for bout few days ago..
so i might forgot few or more

first of all, our flight to india was on 12 july to bangalore international airport..
flight nye pkol 10.10 tp pkol 6 dh kne ade kat klia...huh awal kn..but its ok lg pn luggage bsr tu kne check in cpt2..klu x nt tuan dh smpi luggage blom smpi lg..cmne tu??
tp kes ni did happen to 8 out of 22 of us...kecian sgt kt diorg...xpe2 ade hikmah tu,menguji kesabaran kte an..
ni sume cbb kingfisher yg sgt kecik n luggage2 kami yg sgt besar la haha..smpi xmuat nk angkut..
sabo je la..

lps cek in bag ade la mse smpi pkol 8pm..then,we gathered back-mdm tengku farah bg pesanan2 terakhir...
hah kat cni lg nurul dh buat patotnye kne gather pkol 8 tp bleh lg g toilet,teman ummi lg,huh mmg lambat la..miscal tu xleh cite la byknye..haha
sory sgt mdm tengku...xsengaje tu..
after briefing,we got only 5minutes utk salam parents n adek2 sume...
msti nk tau nurul nanges ke x an??an??an??
msti la nanges!!!!
tp alhamdulillah xlme la...yg penting dpt mintak maaf n doa dr parents..thats the most important rite??!!
lepas tu berpisah la kami..
turun jer escalator tu..kami dipisahkn oleh jarak namun nurul yakin sumenye dkt dihati tu yg xnanges lme2 tu..=)...
-mcm kuat jer-
pastu kne tgu smpi pkol 10 kowt bru leh msok air plane..tgk je la gmbr kat bwh ni..
leh la dpt gambaran sket2 kowt..
my family...wah rindunyer!!

iwan ni ske sgt bt muke...geram btol!!
bergambar ng kak hanem,kak ulfa n anak comeynye zinira..
ngah menunggu la ni..alhamdulillah xlame pn..

then,not so long after that...kami sume naik flight..even though that was my first tyme travel by aeroplane but everything went fact i juz felt like travelling by bus..bcz in eco class the spaces r not so big i culdnt see scenery outside plus its was dark..culdn't see anything..

after bout 3 to 4 hours we arrived at bangalore airport..
eh jap nk cte gak..agak seday cz i culdn't sleep at all..agak jelez ng org sebelh tdo dgn nenyaknye huh~
(adrenaline byk sgt kowt..ntah la)

finally we met mr Khai, wakil consul india..
jejak tnh india...xde la gementar sgt..but then i saw a group of suspicious men waiting outside the airport..quite scary la..thank God ktorg brani la sket..

we stayed at PRESIDENCY HOTEL that nite,3stars hotel even though its small but comfortable..
usually i cn't sleep on the first nite but this time i had a nice sleep...thankz to Allah=)

 shower yg agak canggih..

 woke at 5.15a.m...early rite???what to do....we had to~cz our flight to HUBLI was at 8.00a.m

we took KINGFISHER to travel to hubli..kecik je air plane ni..yela smpi ade 10 luggage terpakse ditgglkn..
cian luggage tu..
"tuan luggage"???berseday la mereka...they got them only the nxt day..

Mr. Khai left us,n told us that wakil from KLE UNIVERSITY will fetch us later at hubli airport..

she was mdm swarti...
before started our journey by bus(so called school bus), she gave us a special manisan,don't what was its name..taste like susu
ok la..not so good,not so bad...(rmi yg xabis pn...)
we also got chocolate(brand cadbury)dap2...

then we started the 2-3hours journey to BELGAUM...
mcm la jmpe on the way tu..stp singgah jap mkn "dosa" tp bkn dosa  yg kte langgar perintah Allah tu tau tau!! dap2
cm tosai tp ade isi kentang...n mcm perise lg ade...=p
masala ade...
egg ade..
cheese pn ade tau..jgn maen2=)

ni la kingfisher tu..xde la nmpak cm king sgt pown..
ade org tlg angkatkn beg..manje xpe la..beg mmg berat pown(overload la ktekn kui3)
ni la manisan nye..chocolate pn ade skali=)
tu la dosai nye..

nk tgk pemandangan nye x??
teka ni ape???
(jwpn...nye ialah~TOL...antik kn..)
cari "coach wanita" plak...hehe
pepsi pn ade tau..jgn maen2

smpi dh..
ni la bus nye.."kami la geng bas sekolah"
ni hostel ku kini..n insyAllah for the nxt 5years..
ni tmpt mkn n bli minimart la

best la gak skrg ngah musim sejuk sgt2...
ok stkt ni dlu...
nurul windu MALAYSIA.................

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

hari2 terakhir....

menghitung hari2 terakhir di malaysia utk thn ni...

counting down???
how many days to go??

oh my dear friends,today=tuesday equals to my last tuesday in malaysia...
tp xtau la if later get another wonderful opportunity blek malaysia ke bln 12 ni,
but who knows anything culd happens...

insyAllah for sure...
NO RAMADHAN in malaysia this year n quite high possibilty also for nxt 5 year...huwah='(
NO SYAWAL also...(tabahkn daku Ya Allah)

yesterday was the day which confirming everything...
we, all ex-KI students went to jpa office at putrajaya,precint 1..
we went together by ktt bus...well we had to even though most of us planned to go there by ourselves,jpa stopped us..they even 'blackmailed' us...that if we didn't go wif ktt our allowance w'll be delayed...
allowance kamu akn ditahan...(oh MY GOD,mne boleh jd..)
we were wandering,knape la jpa mendesak sgt sruh kitorg g ng ktt, sdgkn my house lbh dkt ng putrajaya dr ktt tu...huh~ sbr je la..
some said : rsenye cbb xcukup parking lot kowt..(myb btol la tu..mmg agak xbyk puun..)

we got almost everything yesterday..
i can say,mmg agak 'kaye' la skrg ni..hehe

but i'm feeling bit distract right byk important document yg kne bwk on the departure day...
huwahhhhhhhhhhhhh....rse mau nanges!!
departure day is just around the corner..
so near!!
next MONDAY!!

Ya Allah..
adakah hamba-Mu ini sudah bersedia??
mental n fizikal..
dptkah keimanan yg ade dlm dri ini membimbing hidupku diperantauan??
iman ini maseh lemah ya Allah..
bimbingla ak dn kwn ku yg laen..
bantula perjuangan kami untuk menpelajari ilmu yg maha luas..
kpd kwn2 KLE ku...marilah kte saling bekerjasame dn semoge kte menjadi hamba-Nya yg tabah