Friday, August 13, 2010

My First RAMADHAN,diperantauan...

being away from home makes me stronger...
rilly?erm i think so...
well actually i rilly hope that being here in india or any place far from my home will make me a better person..
see things wider scope n not restricted to certain fixed measurements only..
because the people here are diff eventhough both malaysia n india still in the same 'benua' which is ASIA..
 ye la kn laen tempat laen org..laen org laen pulak x???
today is the first day: berpuase di india yg agak jauhla dr malaysia..
kalau cite bln pose ni ade org die ingat "bazar ramadhan" dlu...
erm rse2 nye ade x kat cni??
hah teke2...
ade or xde??

the answer is: ade!!!!!!!!!!!
but act maseh belom berkesempatan utk g lg...
mybe sok kowt...
xperlu terburu2 kn..
yg bestnye,senior said got puding caramel, ni yg bt xssbr ni..hihihi

apepn matlamat utama kte mse bln RAMADHAN ni bkn nye nk buke pose ng maknn sedap2 or nk kuruskn bdn(2 diff things kn???xkesah la) yg penting kte dpt mendidik nafsu kte supaye lbh mentaati Allah yg Maha Esa...
nafsu perlu dilawan...
nafsu perlu dilemahkn...
nafsu perlu ditewaskn...

so, sy n anda juge dpt menggunakn segala kesempatan yg ade semase bln RAMADHAN ini utk memperbaiki diri sendiri..
segale amalan..
tingkah laku...
n mcm2 lg la...
jdkn bln RAMADHAN ini bln utk melatih diri kte utk menghadapi bln2 yg seterusnye...insyAllah

xkire apepn matlamat atau niat kte...
ape yg penting..
semoga Allah sentiase merahmati kte di dunia n di akhirat..

jap ek ade sikit nk cite..(tbe2 je interrupt lak...sowie2)
 walaupun xramai tp kami maseh meneruskn amalan solat sunat terawikh XD
semoge istiqamah...

p/s: lecture "brachial plexus" td H.O.D ajar best!!(thumbs up!!)
     ngantok pulak kat kelas physio..(xleh jd ni...)
     btol2 rindu nk pose ng family...(xtipu ni au...)
      salam  XD

Sunday, August 8, 2010

the secret-hiding behind erythrocyte...

wah dh lme la jugak xpost kat blog ni..
ntah dh byk spider web dh..hihihi

actually now...i'm still 'shocking' state
i'm new to all these subjects anatomy, physiology n biochemistry yet in this so early period i hav to read so many things...
too many things to understand-too many things to remember
plus when the lecturer ask in class u hav to answer whatever the question is though u don't understand even a single thing in the previous~
if u r not prepare wif the aswer the solution is simple........
u just walk out n u'll be marked as absence
well that's the fact about this uni but still i hav to endure it for more thn 4 years..
nywy, its ok..
i'm sure there r so many advantages behind the rilly??hope so XD

eh actually i wann to reveal bout erythrocyte...
here is the question:
the red blood cell has no nucleus, no mitichoria n no ribosome..but still it cn live for 120 days and carry out its normal activities.HOW???
the answer is:
RBC depend mainly on glucose metabolism for its energy supply(the other is brain cell). glucose is easily transported across its cell membrane via facilitated diffusion. although RBC has no mitochondria but it has cytoplasmic enzymes for metabolizing glucose n other substances for utilization for oxygen. but the metabolizing system becomes progressively less active with time, so it limits the life span of RBC...
jenoh jugak nk tulis ni..hihi
xtau la npe rajin sgt pulak...

dh la tu..
pnat la pulak..

p/s: xtau mne dtg semangat nk tulis ni..
     sbnrnye lec yg soh cri jwpn tu cz tuesday die nk tnye..(klu x xcari kowt haha)
     ok2 smbg study nurul!!
     nurul-chan ganbatte kudasai!!