Monday, April 26, 2010

trip ke umah ash=)

 semlm dpt jgak kmi stu klas berkunjung ke umah ash..kat klang jer..
 we went there 2gether wif mr. shyamu aka annana (our kannada lecturer)
 yesterday we gathered at water front around 10.30am..
 well of cos while waiting 4 other we took some pic as kenang-kenangan..huhhu..
then bru we filled empty seats in the bus (ktt bus)...

we were so happy...
 mmg kecoh la bas tu..
 alhamdulillah xde prkre yg xdiingini berlaku..
 pastu tbe2 jer t,dgr suare appa aka mr zaini (our physics lec) yg sgt kuat tu..
 but act there's nothin..he just advised us to take a very good care of ourselves...(ni kmi yg syg appa ni..huhu)
 appa ade psn gak..camni bunyi nye..

 APPA: nt klu ajib(driver ktt) bwk gile2 awk report jer kt sye!!!
 kami   : hahahahhahahhahaahaha..appa sarange!!appa sarange!!

 fyi ajib tu mmg terkenal dgn cre pemanduan die yg 'sgt berhemah' tu...(sory ajib...)

then..the wonderful journey started.....=)

perjalanan ke umah ash xdela lme sgt..ondaway biasela 
ade yg tdo..
ade yg borak2..
ade yg tangkap gmbr..

ble smpi umah ash tu mmg sronok sgt la..
sbb...dpt mkn free..hahahaha
kmi dsambut oleh ibu ash..(mmg sejibik muke ash la..)
sme mmg buat mke xmlu jer..
directly after kne pelawa sume serbu mje mkn..
ade ayat bermakne ni...
"sape malu lapar..."
so sume org kne la jd xmalu..hahaha
bertambah-tambah la sumenye..
even my chinese fren puun join skali...
sara tried eating by using her hand....agak kekok but okla...nice try sara!!

tp serius xtpu punyer mknn mmg sdap..
nsi ujan panas translation= hot rain rice 
ayam msk merah ade..
rendang ayam ade..
sayur campur ade...(yg ni pun mnarik n sgt2 sdap!!)
trime ksih mak ash!!love u!!
siap celebrate bufday ash lg...
"happy bufday ash..."
hah..skunk tgk la pic dbwh..
 msti terliur punyer...huhu sowie la yerkk=)

dh kenyang mkn..
kmi g aeon bukit tinggi lak..
ade nk shopping ape2pn..
no shopping!! 
lme gak la ktorg kat citu..window shopping jer..
smpi kt la boheme kitorg berwindow shopping gak..
msok tgk2 jer..mmg xpnah dibuat org..
ye la nk buat cmner dh kenyang sgt tyme tu..
klu ble kang xmkn membazir ..
"jgn membazir..membazir itu amalan syaitan "
sume org dh pnat..

ye ar mne x pnat..jln2 jer..
 bkn bli ape2 puun..except mr. shyamu la..
 die jer yg shopping sakan...

then after asar we went to tasek shah alam..
walked around..
taking pictures together...
almost maghrib we went to pkns complex nearby the lake to perform maghrib prayer..
then we bought some food as our dinner..

n continue our journay to the final destination....
the i-city...

i-city tu sgt cantek dgn lampu neon..
dh mcm kat luar negare dh...
xsngke malaysia pn akn buat pembaziran mcm ni...ish3
tp mms serius cantek...

xcaye tgk la...

dh puas jln2...
finally,kami blek ke ktt..
we arrived round 11.40pm...
specially dedicated to:
Allah..trime kseh krn memberi plung kpd kmi utk merasai keindahan alam ciptaan-Mu..
trime kseh krn sentiase merahmati idup kmi dgn kseh syg-Mu..
trime kseh krn sentiase menjage aqidah kmi supaye selalu patuh kpd ajaran-Mu..
trime kseh krn mengeratkn silaturrahim antare kmi..
trime kseh krn memberi kmi peluang utk berkaseh-sayang krn-Mu..
oleh itu,kmi mohon Engkau utuhkn la ikatan ini ...
Kau perkukuhknlah aqidah dan iman kmi..
semoga kmi sentiasa berada dibwh lembayung Rahmat-MU Ya Allah..

Saturday, April 24, 2010

mae wo muke!!(look forward)

insyAllah sok ade trip g umah ashu..
pastu g jln2 sket...
mkn2 sket..(eh sket ke??nurul?biar btol..ntah2 berpinggan2 kang..huhu)
borak2 sket..(eh ni puun xleh sket..xmungkin, xmungkin)
but it's only going to be one-day trip..
xkesah la..
yg pnting almost all KI 2 members r going together..
nurul ske bab2 merapat ukhwah ni..
Allah syg org yg menyayangi saudarenye..
smoge kte manjadi hamba yg disayangi Allah..amin

so skrg ni xde buat ape2 puun since 2day is saturday or a.k.a shani vaara in kannada(sje nk poyo2 sket huhu)..

mentelaah movie je kje nye ni..jpun ader korea ader..hah ckp je nk mne..
mmg agak membuang mse la d situ..
mslahnye bkn weekend jer..weekdays pn lyan gak..

apela nk jd ngan nurul ni..
dh la djangke kle going 2 be the first group leaving for india..
mmg agak sdey la..
ummi cmne ni??
ak kne tgglkn ummi awal..=[  

ala ala..
ape ni xnk la citer sdey2 lak..
xpe2 yg pnting esok kte pgi trip ok??

smpi d,sni sje..
smoge Allah merahmati kte semua...amin

sy geram..

ish3..i dunnow why i can't upload the video which was produced by  KI 2 production...
mann so frust!!
dis is all due 2 the missing film strip icon while posting new post..
rilly dunnow where it gone...
Ya Allah plez help me solving dis prob...
or Allah merely don wan me to upload dat video cos perhaps it will offend some people..or mybe mengaibkn org..

 "sekirenye kite jage aib org laen, maka di akhirat kelak Allah juge akn jage aib kte "
 *do correct me if i'm wrong

 Allah knows wht'r best for us..
May Allah leads us towards Him..a blessing life

Friday, April 23, 2010

KI 2 production..=)

the director yg sdg membri arahan kpd actor n actress nye...(yg bju kuning tu)
fiffy hati2 ngn handmade syringe tu,jgn smpi cocok dri sndri lak..huhu

yg terbaring..the husband(tkot jarum punyer)..n the other nurse(utk mententeramkn pesakit tumour tu..(xlpe muke bhgienye..huhu)
fiffy the nurse yg agak scary disebalik muke bhgianye..with handmade x-ray film..(nice work!!)

farhana as the Dr. yg very calm n confident..=)..
yg lukis otak tu..

itula die barisan pelakon2 pro from kakoii KI 2...
video die nurul post nt yerk..


arini sume org blek..
i mean bdk2 umah la..

disebabkn dri ini xbrape brani nk tdo kt apartment tu sorang2
so terpakse la berpindah temporarily ke umah fiffy n the hosmate..
anyway,this is better than sleep alone..
nt mcm2 bunyi lak dgr..
bunyi langsirla..kipasla..pintu la...air la..
pastu mle la pk bukan2..ish3 tension btol..huhu
tp yg musyhkil nye..npe la ble dok sorang2 bru nk bother psl bunyi2 ni..
pdahal slalu je dgr..ble sume org ade xde kesah puun..huh~

maybe cos ble kte sorang2 imaginasi ni jd hiperbola sket kowt..
tu yg sampi xterkawal tu..huh~ntah la..
smoge Allah sentiase melindungi kte hamba-Nye..amin

tp xpe my rumate blek awal cos we have class trip this sunday to one of our classmate's house..
rilly looking forward..
bet it going 2b awesome..insyAllah