Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Senyuman yg indah,ke mana hilangnya??

Senyum merupakan anugerah Allah yg tidak ternilai harganya.
as we can see now in this era where technology is growing very rapidly to meet humans desires,there are many “smiley icons” which being used  as a medium to express our feelings towards other people..
It is a very good thing if it's truly comes from the bottom of our hearts. But what  if, it is not??
What if we just use it so that people wuldn’t know our true feelings..??
So that they think that we are happy n enjoying our life greatly….well i can say it is not a bad thing to hide your feelings or problems so that your friends or family wuldn’t worry about you…

But where is the sincerity??
As we know there are many types of smile..there many different kinds of smiley icon…
But the one and only smile that can make not only people surrounding us happy but also ourselves
is the smile that comes together with sincerity..plus it’s a good deed which insyAllah Allah will grant us with pahala.

Rasulullah peace be upon him also has advised us in one of his hadis:
“Janganlah kalian menganggap remeh kebaikan itu,  walaupun itu hanya bermuka cerah pada orang lain,”. (riwayat HR. Muslim)
However, actually the purpose I’m writing this entry is that I want to let “we” see how our smiles has or has not changed towards our parents from age of a baby to an adolescent ..

The story begin…..(eh dh mcm Narnia pulak-xde kne-mengene pn, sory)
Allow me to tell in malay,it will be easier for me to deliver this..(sounds so crucial, well in fact,…..??you judge it ky)
Smlm tyme ngh kemas2 bilik ni ditakdirkn Allah tergerak nk melihat balek gmbr2 lame zaman kecik2 dulu..gmbr tyme baby,setahun,dua thun….gmbr adek2,cousins,mk cik, sume adelah..

Mcm gaye sumenye…
Byk kali jugakla tergelak tgk gmbr2 tu..

 Then at one point, terfikir sejenak…
Betapa gembirenye parents kite menyambut kelahiran kite di muka bumi Allah yg penuh berkat ini..
Diciumnye kite,dipeluk erat,didodoi,dimanjakn…
Dipakaikn dgn pakaian yg terbaek,diberi pendidikan yg sewajarnya…
Senyuman itu,senyuman yg penuh dgn keikhlasan dn kegembiraan……..

Namun bagaimana pula dgn diri kite??saye??bila kite makin besar,bile kite sudah pandai berkate2..
Apakah kate yg ungkapkan pada mereka??ibubapa kite??
Pernahkh kite mengungkapkn kate2 yg boleh melukakn hati mereka??
Tidak mendengar kate2 dn nasihat mereka..??
Mengendahkan arahan mereka..??
Maen smpi xingat dunie(sory hiperbola sket)..smpi senja tp bile disuruh solat oleh ibu mahupn ayah maseh lg diminta tangguh..

Tp itulah kite,sebilangan dr kite..tidak terkecuali diri sy..
Bile lihat gmbr2 tu,sy mule bertanye kpd dri…bagaimana pule care sy menunjukkn kaseh syg pd mereka??
Brape byk kali bgtau yg kite syg pd mereka??
Brape byk kali kite peluk n cium mereka??
Brape byk kali kite senyum pd mereka??
Sbnrnye sy penah dgr, care mudah utk mendapat pahala adalah dgn hanya melihat muka ibu bapa kite sme juge bile kite melihat al-Quran..(mohon perbetulkn sekiranye salah)…
Tidak dinafikn mmg agak payah bg sesetgh kite menyatakn bhw kite syg pd mereka termasuk juge diri sy but at least we have to try our very best to listen to them,showing respect and always pray for them.

So lps ni boleh g tgk balek gmbr lame tu..(not necessary pn=)
Tgk muke parents kite,gembire2 dukung kite…
Marilah kite muhasabah diri kite balek..

Kpd shbt2 yg akn ke india xlame lg,marilah kite hargai mase yg maseh ade ini..
Dn kpd yg sudah berade di perantauan,jgn bersedih..
“biar jauh di mate asal dekat di hati”

Maaf atas salah dn silap
Semoge Allah merahmati parents kite dn semoge kite menjadi anak2 yg soleh dn solehah amin Ya Rabb..-xtau la tajuk tu sesuai atau tak-