btn was awesome!!
pak abu was cool!!
pak din's ninja turtle was unforgettable!!
well e2 la antare kate2 yg dpt diluahkn utk menggambarkn perasaan sy..
i attended btn last week from 31th may till 4th june..
b4 reached there were so many kinda feelings mixing together....
btol k nk g ni??
best x??
leh k lpas test tu nt??
ssh k test tu??
cmne klu dpt group yg xbest??
dok dorm k bilik??
see..there were so many ques dat i culd not answer.
but then finally we reached kem btn tanjung rhu,sepang bout 2pm near gold coast Malaysia of cos not aussie huhuhu...
the camp side was so big, got beach or tanjung on its right side and tapioca farm on the other side..
also got so many pine trees arranged themselves along the road towards the nice!!
but the road not so good...
i can say mcm tanah marikh yg tidak rata...
smpi confius-naek bas k naek roller coster ni??
tp alhamdulillah la spring bas tu branded punyer so xde a terpelanting sumenye...
rse cm di dodoi dlm buaian jer hehe...
pengisian btn ni was very good...
at one part, sy yg agak kurang nilai patriotism ni pn leh terase smpi nk jd ahli politik lak...
bkn ape it was because of one game we played on the last night..
entitled-SIAPA JUARA?
we 119 students were divided into 12 groups n each group was given different items..
at 1st i was confusing...ape ni??nk buat ape??
the conditions: kamu bleh bercakap tp xbleh bersuare
kamu bleh berjln tp xbleh berdiri
kamu tidak boleh meminta-minta
then some people who got idea started to make a move but they have been caught as they broke the rules..number of prisoners increasing..they culdn't do anything..
finally all groups realised what we shuld do...
we gather all pieces of items that we had-bingo we need to make our national flag
it was hard act..
dgn adenye ancaman dlmn..
some didn't even remember how many short layers??how many long layers??in jalur gemilang...
sy sendri cn we call ourselves malaysian if we dont even remember how to make our own jalur gemilang??-plez ponder this...
maybe what my friend said was right-
" kalau ak lah pejuang dlu, xnk ak bersusah payah dptkn kemerdekaan utk Malaysia klu ini la akhirnya terjadi"
i even ashamed of myself cz i didn't able to prove that i am malay...
the same que i ask u- why u call yourself a malay??
it is act in Perlembagaan Malaysia
perkara 160(2)-takrif Melayu: beragama Islam, menggunakan bahasa Melayu, mengamalkan adat2 Melayu, ibu atau bapa berketurunan Melayu..(lbh kurangla..)so to all malays we shuld remember least we know asal usul kite..
we've learnt so many thing bout perlembagaan...
in perlembagaan there are 15 bahagian and 183 perkara...
from that we cn know about our rights, what we can do and what we can't do..
well overall this camp was so good and the experiences were priceless...
another best actvity was KEMBARA tru swamp area(real xtpu punyer.nseb la siape yg byk ksut baru tu mmg jd mkin bru lah..),pastu lalu kwsn kelape sawit yg sungguh harum dihiasi dgn periuk2 api organic fresh dr lembu2...(trimas ye lembu2 sekalian)...x dilupe ninja turtle pak din yg sungguh unik!!
last but not least thank to Allah who gave me this wonderful opportunity..allowed me to experience all the feelings...
to jpa who sponsored me..
to kak syura n all fassi
also to pak abu, pak din n pak jai
who took care of me n all my beloved friends..
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