pnat btol meng'install' sume program yg dh dipadamkn ni...
it's all because my tomo-chan(my laptop huhu..) was sicked,so i brought her to see a qualified Dr. at low yatt plaza..
after having some conversation wif the Dr. we decided that my tomo-chan need to be reformat..~so sad(i'm sorry tomo-chan)..uh~
then after the Dr. took tomo-chan's biodata a.k.a her details..i have to leave her =(
i left her to the Dr.~..........(Dr. plez take a good care of her...plez)
tomo-chan now is wif her Dr.
i was praying hard that she'll success in the operation...
prayed-so that she'll strong n be a good girl...
i was told by the Dr. that the operation will take about one hour or more..
so he asked me to walk around first n later he'll call me right after the operation finish.
i left my phone no. to the Dr. and left...
me : so kite nk g mane ni??
my fwen:ko tau jln dr cni(LY) nk g ke sungei wang plaza x??
me: :ntah la...xtau
my fwen: I mane, I(information centre)??
me :tu I,g la tnye...
my fwen:ala die(akak yg ade kat I tu) ngah bg pamplet la pulak!
me :xpe g jer tnye...
so we went to the target destination after we got the "precious" info on how to go to SW from the akak...(thanz akak,u helped us a lot=)...
kat sne we were merely following our legs stepped on the floors at any directions that they want..(mmg agak tiade tujuan la di citu...)
but act not rilly,my fwen was looking for a pencil case~a cute,medium sized one...
n she did buy one...
luckily she bought something than nothing haha...
then we had our lunch at japanese style restaurant called shikiya...
we ordered the same sets-katsu don n same favourite drinks-sorry i forgot its name..
hmm it was like ice lemon tea but its peach-flavoured one..
so can i call it 'ice peach tea'??(awat huduh sgt nme tu??...ntah la)
while eating i felt vibration, huh it was my hp...
guess what??!!
i received a call from tomo-chan's Dr.!!
he said that she is fine...she's not sick anymore!!
me :ala tp nasi xabis lg ni..xpe la ak mkn dlu la kn,lgpn tomo-chan kn dh sihat...
(amboi!!bleh pulak mkn bukan main risau!!huh~)
my fwen: .............
dh lepas mkn tu bru la i felt the anxiety to meet my tomo-chan..
ky see here,risau mmg risau but mknn kne abiskn klu x membazir tau!
kn membazir itu amalan syaitan yg direjam
so bertemu la nurul dgn tomo-chan yg disayanginya..
gembirenye xterkate..=)
lepas check her condition ape yg patot like RAM,hardisk,battery tu btol ke tomo-chan yg punyer etc.
perlu la membayar kos rawatannye yer kwn2...jgn buat2 lupe plak
Alhamdulillah dpt murah rm40 jer..
org yg 1st ckp rm80..tak ke naye tu??
nurul dpt 50% dicount best ke xbest tu??
mesti la best...(tp mstila harge utk window yg xori..yg ori punyer xmampu)
but, there was a problem after that..
the Dr. installed applications of Dell however my tomo-chan is Lenovo..
there r 2 different things plus he didn't install any application of Lenovo!!
so wut to do now???
key for brightness didn't funtion...
abisla cmne ni??
rse nk nangis pn ade..
but sbar2..
Allah sentiase bersame dgn org yg sabar,insyAllah
Alhamdulillah,Allah Maha Mendengar rintihan hamba-hambanya...
so nurul pn dpt la idea untuk mencari cd which came together wif tomo-chan when nurul first bought her..
ape lg??
meng'install' la kite..
it was tiring wo~
install segale mcm application yg ade dlm cd tu..
nk seribu daya,xnk seribu dalih
~few hours later~
lamekn??..nk buek canno eden ni bknnye popeshonal bak kato mak saleh tu ha!!(hehe)
yg penting tomo-chan sihat seperti sediekale
jd berakhirlah certot(cerpen kontot) psl si tomo-chan ni hah..
but anyhow it was a real story tau cume certain parts(certain parts je??byk sbnrnye.sory..) was ditokok tambah..
p/s: sory if my words were not properly being used..
n maaf klu2 ade yg terase/offended because it wasn't my pure intention ky..jaa ne=)
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