Ya Allah...i rilly2 dont feel like study rite now...n even no mood to go to class...
anyway do i have to like rilly take a good care of my attendance???
cz i rite nw till nov my attendance not so bad...at least still 80 sumthing n it was quite a good sign that i can bun few classes...hehe
m rilly a bad nurul...
owh juz tell me what shuld i feel rite now..all my bds friends thy'r ad at home...well of cos i'm talking bout malaysia...
so the nxt room is empty,n next2 room also empty...
what shud i do???
that 2 rooms are the places where i used to lepak...n now how????
its ok la nurul only a few days left..
this sunday nite u'll be going to bangalore....
ha mmgla tp e2 pon after everyone leave me la kn...
b4 this i didn't rilly realize that this sunday,20/dec all the rooms at 5th floor will empty except my room CH20...
i seriously dont like this thing!!!!
one more thing, eventho i honestly hv no mood to study but act i need to study...
b'coz u know y??
insyAllah i'll be coming back on 9th january 2011 which means nxt year..
but then i hav only few days left b4 the 2nd internal which is on 1st of february 2011
thats y i hav to study cz i havnt read so many things...n the 'so many things' i hav to cover after holidae for the nxt stressful exam...
anyhw,today is quite a happy day cz i juz wish a very happy new year to all the cadavers(mayat2)..sume la agaknye...
as today is the last day of dissection for this year of 2010....^_^
act there are so many things happnd these few weeks...like we wnt to hyderabad,went to mangalore n manipal meeting my friends from ktt n attended legenda 2010 n yesterday also was my friend's birthday...
but then, i dont y i was like very2 lazy to write...n today out of the blue i feel like writing sumting....hahaha
myb dh geram sgt nk balek kowt...
xpe2...b4 balek i'll make sure that i make a list of foods that i want to eat...
n coming back to india with double or triple size...haha
p/s: still need to study for tutorial bichem later...=(
nk bli bku utk bawak balek...sari dh ckup rsenye...
dh la tu xnk spend lg dh byk gak berhabis ni...hihi
Ayat Penawar Sakit
5 years ago
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