finally!!!i got to know my blood group....
actually i already knew my ABO blood juz that i didn't know whether it positive or negative which determined by the presence of rhesus antigens on my red blood cells...
if i have the antigen it means that i'm rhesus positive but if absence i'm rhesus negative...
so in order to know: we have to do blood mixing our blood with anti-D serum which containing antibodies D as the rhesus antigen we refer as 'D'...
agglutination of blood cells will occur if the rhesus antigen reacts with anti-D which can be seen by using naked eyes...
so if there is agglutination that means u'r RHESUS POSITIVE!!!!
n no agglutination for RHESUS NEGATIVE as there is no rhesus antigen to reacts with the anti-D...
i feel so contented right to know 1 more important info bout myself...alhamdulillah=)
Ayat Penawar Sakit
5 years ago
pestaim nih nk komen blog nurul..
berdebar..saje je gedik kan.. hihi~
(padahal nurul dah tau pun..)
so, blood group ape?
hihiihiihii...agak xtau akk nk comment ape pon,ok la jugak..hehe positive...=)
akk nye??
sama la..
nnt boleh la kita tuka2 darah..haha~ ade ke mcm nih? mengarut je...ngee~
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