Friday, December 17, 2010

i juz wanna go home!!!

Ya Allah...i rilly2 dont feel like study rite now...n even no mood to go to class...

anyway do i have to like rilly take a good care of my attendance???
cz i rite nw till nov my attendance not so least still 80 sumthing n it was quite a good sign that i can bun few classes...hehe
m rilly a bad nurul...

owh juz tell me what shuld i feel rite now..all my bds friends thy'r ad at home...well of cos i'm talking bout malaysia...
so the nxt room is empty,n next2 room also empty...
what shud i do???
that 2 rooms are the places where i used to lepak...n now how????

its ok la nurul only a few days left..
this sunday nite u'll be going to bangalore....
ha mmgla tp e2 pon after everyone leave me la kn...

b4 this i didn't rilly realize that this sunday,20/dec all the rooms at 5th floor will empty except my room CH20...

i seriously dont like this thing!!!!

one more thing, eventho i honestly hv no mood to study but act i need to study...
b'coz u know y??
insyAllah i'll be coming back on 9th january 2011 which means nxt year..
but then i hav only few days left b4 the 2nd internal which is on 1st of february 2011
thats y i hav to study cz i havnt read so many things...n the 'so many things' i hav to cover after holidae for the nxt stressful exam...

anyhw,today is quite a happy day cz i juz wish a very happy new year to all the cadavers(mayat2)..sume la agaknye...
as today is the last day of dissection for this year of 2010....^_^

act there are so many things happnd these few we wnt to hyderabad,went to mangalore n manipal meeting my friends from ktt n attended legenda 2010 n yesterday also was my friend's birthday...
but then, i dont y i was like very2 lazy to write...n today out of the blue i feel like writing sumting....hahaha

myb dh geram sgt nk balek kowt...
xpe2...b4 balek i'll make sure that i make a list of foods that i want to eat...
n coming back to india with double or triple size...haha

p/s: still need to study for tutorial bichem later...=(
      nk bli bku utk bawak balek...sari dh ckup rsenye...
      dh la tu xnk spend lg dh byk gak berhabis ni...hihi

Monday, December 6, 2010

terkejut saye!!!

ngah sedap2 mkn egg roll smbil tgk harry potter...
ntah la skrg ni ngah ade mood nk tgk movie..mentang2 la exam dh abes,ape lg amek kesempatan la...ble lg...
lgpown dh xsbr nk malaysia dh ni...adoiyai!!!

eh bkn ni yg nk dicerite kn td...
hah kn ngah sedap mkn td kn(lunch time)...
leh pulak dgr org jerit2 kat luar bilik ni...
slalunye bt xlyn jer cz dh biase sgt dh dgr org jerit2 ni...
tp td xleh jd jeritan nye mkin kuat n dekat...
oh ni msti tgk ni...mane tau de helang k, serigale k kn...
so bukak la pintu bilik ni...
tgk2 de la sekor monyet yg ngah sedap mkn pisang(xsure...)
agaknye la...then nmpak tong sampah yg dh jatoh confirm die yg jatohkn...
cool giler kowt muke monyet tu...
tu yg siap tgkap gmbr tu...siap zoom lg...

so dgn ini sy memperkenalkn.......MAT COOL!!!!

nicely eating monkey!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

hyderadab oh!!hyderabad!!!

byk jer yg berlaku sbnrnye tp xde idea l nk tulis cmne..hihihi
26th november 2010...
1st year mbbs(jpa scholars-missing the other 2)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

selamat ari raye 'aidiladha...

salam sume...
wah rindu sgt ng family....
ble kte kat perantauan ni mmg byk beezanye ng kat malaysia tu...
lg2 tyme rye ni...

cm xcaye je dh raye korban...but india particularly here in belgaum we officially celebrate 'aidiladha tomorrow...
so mmg kurangla rse kegembiraan n kemeriahan nye lg2 kne bt revision coz luse exam...
anywy,at least i did something for myself  n also to muslims here...
insyAllah dis year i joined 'Korban'...paid 1 division for a cow...
harap2 ramai yg dpt manfaat drpdnya...amin

xtau la dpt tgk lembu tu kne sembelih k x...
klu ikotkn ati nk tgk...
but still nid to concentrate on my study...
ermm byk lg xcover ni...

so to anyone who read dis-purposely or by chance, plez pray for me ky...

p/s: umi akk rindu sgt dh ni...sbr nk blek malaysia...=(
 eh no must happy...ari rye ni...^_^

salam sayang...

Friday, November 12, 2010

setiap yg hidup pasti akan mati~

mlm ni sy dpt berita yg mengejutkn...

one of my batch mates,he's a mara scholar...telah kembali ke Rahmatullah...
sesungguhnya Allah lebih menyayanginya...
i heard dat the cause of death was davangere...

just now when i was studying,then suddenly my nextdoor friend came n told me the sad news...
i never knew his name but then after i saw his pic, i remembered seen him in ktt...
well dat doesn't matter...
 but whats in my mind rite nw is the fact dat we belong to Allah...n Allah has THE POWER to take whatever he gave us...
Allah gave us life n later He will take it there's nothing in this world will remain permanent except ALLAH...Ya Rabb

semoge Allah cucuri Rahmat-Nya kepada Muhammad Akmal Shahiran...

dan ingatla sesungguhnya JANJI ALLAH ITU BENAR!!!
(peringatan utk sy dan kamu)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

good thing from DR. Desai~

he's my histology lecturer...i  think most of the student here in jnmc knows him well...
some students might say that he always talks crap but sometimes his words can also motivate other people..
well u can say that is me...

but like my other batch mates i also don't rilly like being called by him coz if u do~u have to postpone what ever u did before...thats not rilly good...

anyhow he used to say that subject(anatomy) is TOUGH- anatomy is very VOLATILE subject...that's why he always reminds us to discuss with one another....

n seriously what ever he said was absolutely,definitely TRUE!!!!
oh my GOD....i'm hoping,begging for YOUR guidance...amin

the thing that i rilly wanna say it here is that...just now during histo practical Dr.Desai was asking us,
why izit a 1st rank student is related wif a duck????
is there anybody can answer this que???
fyi,i didn't know the answer,then suddenly girls nxt to me answered that ques....wah!!i said to myself,neha u know the answer???ok then lets listen...
she gave us a correct answer!!!

u wanna what was the answer???
Dr.Desai said...."when u see a duck on the surface of water,u can see that the duck is really calm but then if u see underwater,the duck is actually working hard paddling with its flipper"
that how he related the 1st rank student...he looks calm but in his mind he keeps thinking n also working hard to achieve his dreams....

isn't that an amazing example...
it rilly motivates me...
so wanna be like DUCK!!!!
work hard n do ur very best nurul...
ganbatte kudasai!!!!

cakap je di-motivated tp xstat2 lg study utk mlm ni...exam dh nk dekat dh ni!!!leh lg curik mase tulis kat   blog ni ha...ok2 mari STUDY!!!!!jaa ne=)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

tak nak!!!!!tak nak!!!!!tak nak!!!!!

ermm...kalau boleh xnk pkir bkn2...
kalau bleh nk pkir study jer....

tp kadang tu mmg susah nk concentrate...
sbnrnye bkn kadang2 pown...slalu je jd cmtu...
apela nk jd ni...
ble tgk dak2 medic yg laen sume bersemangat jer...
bce blog org sume nye penoh ng semangat n kesungguhan yg tinggi...
ade yg kate: "zaman belajar itu zaman keemasan"
mmg btol sgt ape yg org tu ckp...
tp mne semangat sy????
Ya Allah, berilah aku kekuatan n kesungguhan...berilah aku kefahaman, sesungguhnya Engkau la Tuhan Yg Maha Agung Lg Maha Bijaksana...amin Ya Rabb
dh nk dkt dh ni....
nurul-chan ganbatte kudasai!!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

untuk renungan kita bersama~


Betapa besarnya nilai wang kertas bernilai RM1 apabila dibawa ke masjid
untuk disedekahkan; tetapi betapa kecilnya kalau dibawa ke Mall untuk dibelanjakan!

Betapa lamanya melayani Allah selama lima belas minit namun
betapa singkatnya kalau kita melihat filem.

betapa sulitnya untuk mencari kata-kata ketika berdoa (spontan) namun
betapa mudahnya kalau mengata atau mengumpat
tanpa harus berfikir panjang-panjang.

Betapa asyiknya apabila pertandingan bola dipanjangkan waktunya namun
kita mengeluh ketika khutbah di masjid lebih lama sedikit daripada biasa.

Betapa sulitnya untuk membaca satu helai Al-qur'an tapi
betapa mudahnya membaca 100 halaman dari novel atau majalah yang laris.

Betapa beria-ia orang untuk duduk di depan dalam pertandingan atau konsert namun
lebih senang berada di saf paling belakang ketika berada di Masjid

Betapa Mudahnya membuat 40 tahun dosa demi memuaskan nafsu berahi semata, namun
alangkah sulitnya ketika menahan nafsu selama 30 hari ketika berpuasa.

Betapa sulitnya untuk menyediakan waktu untuk solat 5 waktu; namun
betapa mudahnya menyesuaikan waktu dalam sekejap pada
saat terakhir untuk event yang menyenangkan.

Betapa sulitnya untuk mempelajari erti yang terkandung di dalam al qur'an; namun
betapa mudahnya untuk mengulang-ulangi gosip yang sama kepada orang lain.

Betapa mudahnya kita mempercayai apa yang dikatakan oleh surat khabar namun
betapa kita meragui apa yang dikatakan oleh Kitab Suci Al-Quran.
Betapa Takutnya kita apabila dipanggil Boss dan cepat-cepat menghadapnya namun
betapa kita berani dan lamanya untuk menghadapNya saat kumandang azan bergema.

Betapa setiap orang ingin masuk syurga seandainya tidak perlu untuk percaya atau
berfikir,atau mengatakan apa-apa,atau berbuat apa-apa.
Betapa kita dapat menyebarkan seribu
kelucuan melalui e-mail, dan menyebarluaskannya dengan FORWARD seperti api; namun
kalau ada e-mail yang isinya tentang Allah betapa seringnya kita ragu-ragu, enggan membukanya dan menyebarkannya,
serta terus klik pada icon

Sebar luaskanlah & bersyukurlah
Apakah tidak lucu apabila anda tidak memFORWARD pesan ini. Betapa banyak
orang tidak akan menerima pesan ini, kerana anda tidak yakin bahawa mereka
masih percaya akan sesuatu?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

fresher's nite....

wah never imagine myself walking on the stage doing cat walk...huhuhu
sgt2 la memalukan...
(not a very good one)
but the best part is...i never imagine myself wearing such a beautiful outfit so called lengga...
i doesn't matter whether i was looking good in it or not but the fact dat the lengga was so nice n flowing, it made me felt like i was getting married n waitin' for the groom...hihihi(dh berangan dh ni...abesla...)
anyway, the same thing was said by my friends also...huh it was quite embarrassing actually...

so i rilly hope that insyAllah during my wedding things will be muke more berseri2 gitu hihihi...
ok la nurul enough mengarut...

emm...talking bout my other malaysian friends n nri(non-resident india)....they did a very nice fashion show...
showing to the local people here our traditional cloths...
for me what made it even more interesting was that we interchanged the cloths...we were not matching them according to the race where the traditional costumes belong...
like my indian friend,she wore baju kebaya...n the other malay guy was wearing samfoo...
chinese guy was wearing kurtha(sory i donno whether the spelling is correct or not...)

even all malaysian guys from my batch plus one local guy(my classmate), they did such an awesome performance...i was juz a dance actually but was very energetic n they got such an incredible cheers from the crowd....everyone was supporting them....(congratez guyz!!!)

after all it was a nice experience not so bad tho
comey2 kn kwn2 sy..hihihi

guyz yg sgt bersemangat berlatih~

don't ask me what's the meaning of that word...i aso donno

my roomate n my local friend=)


Monday, October 11, 2010

what's ur blood group???

finally!!!i got to know my blood group....
actually i already knew my ABO blood juz that i didn't know whether it positive or negative which determined by the presence of rhesus antigens on my red blood cells...
if i have the antigen it means that i'm rhesus positive but if absence i'm rhesus negative...
so in order to know: we have to do blood mixing our blood with anti-D serum which containing antibodies D as the rhesus antigen we refer as 'D'...
agglutination of blood cells will occur if the rhesus antigen reacts with anti-D which can be seen by using naked eyes...
so if there is agglutination that means u'r RHESUS POSITIVE!!!!
n no agglutination for RHESUS NEGATIVE as there is no rhesus antigen to reacts with the anti-D...

i feel so contented right to know 1 more important info bout myself...alhamdulillah=)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

picnic bersame rakan2~sewonoknyer!!!

gembire sgt smpi xtau nk citer cmner...hahaha
bru smpi ni(busy2..hihihi)

oh!!pak cik garang tp sbnrnye baek hati...=)

xtau la ape mereka tgh tgk...(wandering??!!??)

hepi je mereka ni...

ala geram xtau npe xkire nk letak jugak!!

oopsss!!!!!!!!!eh sedap kowt mknn2 ni...

mmg panas yg agak mencabar tyme ni..hihi

ntah ape la yg d.tgk tu...(konpius?!??)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

unexpected olidae!!!!!

wah!!!!!!!!!!gembire sgt ni.....
xsangke2 leh dpt cuti tbe2 cmni....sewonok kowt!!!!
khamis smpi ahad....lme gak tu...
nk buat ape ek???
xpe2 nt pk...
kte g solat dlu...
anyway....thnkz a lot Ya Allah for giving us this such happiness....=)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

beraye di belgaum~

owh sememangnye entry ni cm agak lmbt...
dh ari k-6 bru nk cite pasal raye...hihihihhi

bz la konon padahal ade org laen yg lg bz...ntah la..
raye kat india ni alhamdulillah ok la...
seronok jugak walaupun xde family disisi...=(

dhla...xbgos seday2 kn dri sendiri ni...hikhikhik
kami junior ni brye ng senior2 yg xbalek rye kat malaysia...
xde la ramai sgt kurang dr 20org cmtu kowt...xsure la..
tp yg bestnye dimeriahkn lg  ng budak2 dri krishna university,karad...
dak batch kitorg ade 3org...sstay la kat blk hostel yg kecik ni..huh~
cian diorg...

kitorg brye kat umah sewa 2 org laki diorg dok luar...
kat uni ni xde tmpt nk buat2 event cmni...ssh sket so terpakse la bt kat umah diorg...
diorgla host nye...huhu

solat sunat rye pn bt kat umah diorg,bersempit2la kami
tp xpe demi semangat bt ibadah msti ade btol x??=)
best lg-bertakbir rye same2....happy2...=)
waktu dgr khutbah tu leh lg tok imam gne tone seday2....naseb baek maintain macho lg..hahaha
klu x jatuh standard I....(poyo jer ni...b4 rye dh nanges awal2 dh..kuikuikui)

hah pastu MAKAN!!!!
ckp je ape sume ade:
satay ade....
rendang ade...
kuah kacang ade...
nasi impit ade...
nasi tomato pn ade..
ayam masak merah...
kueh rye xleh tggal...
n kek batek...
erm tu jer la kowt...byk ker??
ok la kn...lbih baek de dr xde...alhamdulillah

pastu dh penat bergambar sume mcm2 pe-el la sume org....
leh pulak tuan rumah cdgkn maen ber-BALAS PANTUN...
ssh payah la sume org nk memikirkn cmner nk balas pntun tu...
dh la org yg ajukn soalan leh pilih spe yg yg nk jwb...
so ape lg purposely la sy menyorok2 belakang org...(xnk kne pilih punyer pasal hihihihi-mmg mnjdi la plan tu,xkne pilih pown hahahahahahahaahahaha)

lme btol nk pkirkn idea nk balas pntun tu...
smpi kitorg yg jd audience ni pnat n ngantok haha

b4 blek pn tgkp gmbr lagi...
mmg jd artis sementare la sume..=)
over all-MERIAH N SEWONOK!!!!!

p/s: rindu umi,ayah, udin ng iwan...
      ngh berushe nk perbaiki dri ni...doakn yerk
muke2 happy=)
insyAllah sumenye berjalan lancar...amin

ni junior nye...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

lame menghilang.......

dh lme btol x tulis kat blog ni...
dh byk spider web agaknye...hihihi

bz k???
seriously there r a lot of things tp catch up n study...lg2 bru jer knal subject2 kat 1st year mbbs ni...
anatomy la..
physiology la..
biochemistry la...
eh jgn pandang rendah ek..mmg nmpak sikit...
ala 3 subject jer..
tp Allah je tau susah ke senang...
klu anat tu lecturer slalu ckp
"subject is tough. but u have to keep reading it and still u will keep forgetting it!!!"
oh how then???
bce2 tp lupe plak...
xpela tu la CABARAN namenye..
insyAllah Allah tolong kn=)
tu la nikmat kte org ISLAM sentiase ade Allah utk mengadu...

another thing...
sedih sbnrnye...
arini dh 26 RAMADHAN...
ramadhan semakin meninggalkn kte....

apakah amalan dilebihkn utk bln ni????
dh perbanyakkn doa k??
dh byk k bt rayuan pengampunan drpd Allah???
xpela insyAllah...
semoge Allah terime segala amalan kte...
"----.kemudian, apabila engkau telah membulatkn tekad, maka bertawakallah kpd Allah. sungguh ALLAH MENCINTAI ORG YG BERTAWAKAL"(ali 'imran;159)
dn bersangke baek la dgn Allah...=)
bergambar ng senior2...siap g studio lg tau=)

p/s: hurm leh lg nk tulis blog ni..padahal de tutorial jap n xbace abes lg...
      arini ari ahad but still ade klas,xtau la npe kle ni ssh sgt nk bg cuti...
      rindu umi ng ayah...
      udin ng iwan skali...
      gembire2...semalam ayah berjaya courier brg...insyAllah nt smpi la tu=)
      thank umi n u sooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!


Friday, August 13, 2010

My First RAMADHAN,diperantauan...

being away from home makes me stronger...
rilly?erm i think so...
well actually i rilly hope that being here in india or any place far from my home will make me a better person..
see things wider scope n not restricted to certain fixed measurements only..
because the people here are diff eventhough both malaysia n india still in the same 'benua' which is ASIA..
 ye la kn laen tempat laen org..laen org laen pulak x???
today is the first day: berpuase di india yg agak jauhla dr malaysia..
kalau cite bln pose ni ade org die ingat "bazar ramadhan" dlu...
erm rse2 nye ade x kat cni??
hah teke2...
ade or xde??

the answer is: ade!!!!!!!!!!!
but act maseh belom berkesempatan utk g lg...
mybe sok kowt...
xperlu terburu2 kn..
yg bestnye,senior said got puding caramel, ni yg bt xssbr ni..hihihi

apepn matlamat utama kte mse bln RAMADHAN ni bkn nye nk buke pose ng maknn sedap2 or nk kuruskn bdn(2 diff things kn???xkesah la) yg penting kte dpt mendidik nafsu kte supaye lbh mentaati Allah yg Maha Esa...
nafsu perlu dilawan...
nafsu perlu dilemahkn...
nafsu perlu ditewaskn...

so, sy n anda juge dpt menggunakn segala kesempatan yg ade semase bln RAMADHAN ini utk memperbaiki diri sendiri..
segale amalan..
tingkah laku...
n mcm2 lg la...
jdkn bln RAMADHAN ini bln utk melatih diri kte utk menghadapi bln2 yg seterusnye...insyAllah

xkire apepn matlamat atau niat kte...
ape yg penting..
semoga Allah sentiase merahmati kte di dunia n di akhirat..

jap ek ade sikit nk cite..(tbe2 je interrupt lak...sowie2)
 walaupun xramai tp kami maseh meneruskn amalan solat sunat terawikh XD
semoge istiqamah...

p/s: lecture "brachial plexus" td H.O.D ajar best!!(thumbs up!!)
     ngantok pulak kat kelas physio..(xleh jd ni...)
     btol2 rindu nk pose ng family...(xtipu ni au...)
      salam  XD

Sunday, August 8, 2010

the secret-hiding behind erythrocyte...

wah dh lme la jugak xpost kat blog ni..
ntah dh byk spider web dh..hihihi

actually now...i'm still 'shocking' state
i'm new to all these subjects anatomy, physiology n biochemistry yet in this so early period i hav to read so many things...
too many things to understand-too many things to remember
plus when the lecturer ask in class u hav to answer whatever the question is though u don't understand even a single thing in the previous~
if u r not prepare wif the aswer the solution is simple........
u just walk out n u'll be marked as absence
well that's the fact about this uni but still i hav to endure it for more thn 4 years..
nywy, its ok..
i'm sure there r so many advantages behind the rilly??hope so XD

eh actually i wann to reveal bout erythrocyte...
here is the question:
the red blood cell has no nucleus, no mitichoria n no ribosome..but still it cn live for 120 days and carry out its normal activities.HOW???
the answer is:
RBC depend mainly on glucose metabolism for its energy supply(the other is brain cell). glucose is easily transported across its cell membrane via facilitated diffusion. although RBC has no mitochondria but it has cytoplasmic enzymes for metabolizing glucose n other substances for utilization for oxygen. but the metabolizing system becomes progressively less active with time, so it limits the life span of RBC...
jenoh jugak nk tulis ni..hihi
xtau la npe rajin sgt pulak...

dh la tu..
pnat la pulak..

p/s: xtau mne dtg semangat nk tulis ni..
     sbnrnye lec yg soh cri jwpn tu cz tuesday die nk tnye..(klu x xcari kowt haha)
     ok2 smbg study nurul!!
     nurul-chan ganbatte kudasai!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

pengharaman puase sunat slps Nisfu Sya'baan~

we should know this!!

act i just know bout this matter,so thnk to one of the blog which i've been following...TAZKIRAH
nisfu sya'baan fall on every 15th Sya'baan,but we as followers of Mazhab Syafie, its HARAM n TIDAK SAH for us to fast after Nisfu Sya'baan but got some exceptions..

there are hadith related to this matter...
"Telah diberitakan kepada kami oleh Qutaibah, telah diberitakan kepada kami oleh 'Abdul 'Aziiz bin Muhammad, daripada al-'Alaa` bin 'Abdur Rahman, daripada ayahnya, daripada Sayyidina Abu Hurairah r.a. yang telah berkata: Telah bersabda Junjungan Rasulullah SAW: "Apabila tinggal baki separuh dari bulan Sya'baan, maka janganlah kamu berpuasa". Dan telah berkata Abu `Isa (yakni Imam at-Tirmidzi): "Hadits Abu Hurairah ini adalah hadits hasan shohih dan tiada kami ketahui akan dia melainkan dengan wajah (riwayat) ini atas lafaz ini.

Daripada Sayyidina Abu Hurairah r.a. bahawasanya Junjungan Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Apabila masuk separuh bulan Sya'baan, maka janganlah kamu berpuasa."

 Dan hadits yang telah diriwayatkan oleh Imam Ahmad, Imam Abu Daud, Imam at-Tirmidzi, Imam an-Nasai dan Imam Ibnu Majah, iaitu: "Apabila berbaki separuh daripada bulan Sya'baan, maka janganlah kamu berpuasa sehingga menjelang Ramadhan", adalah jelas pada yang demikan (yakni pada menyatakan haramnya berpuasa pada hari-hari selepas Nishfu Sya'baan).
 jadi pengecualiannya ialah:
 1) puasa sunat tersebut disambungkan atau dihubungkan dgn hari2 yg berada di Nisfu yg pertama............
2) puasa sunat tersebut telah menjadi amalan biasa seseorg..........
3) puasa qadha' samada qadha' puasa  fardhu atau  qadha' puasa sunat yg berwaktu.........
4) puasa qafarah tau puasa nazar dgn syarat ianya tidak dilakukan dgn sengaja dan dgn tahu yg hari yg dinazarkn itu adalah hari2 nisfu kedua bln Sya'baan.......
for futher info please visit this blog

every one should clear bout this thing...
salam perkongsian...=)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

doing nothing~

i'm having orientation week rite now...though i'm not rilly sure bout it...
i don't see any advantage of having this kind of week here..
bcause we did nothing except keep repeating the 'introduction' telling our names and from where we came from to every different lecturers that came to the lecture halls...

and one fav question is 'why u wanna become a doctor??'
its act a good question but if u have to answer it like so many times then it become lame...huh

what my answer was???
act i didn't answer that question...hahaha
only Allah knows what is the real answer.....=)
i don't think that i need speak out loud telling them my long as my niat is rite then insyAllah everything is going to be just fine...=)

today ke'boring'an tu mmg dh xtertahan lg...haha

during the morning session we went to biochem lab as one of the beautiful PG(postgraduates) wanted to show us all the apparatus that we are going to use-ermm maybe,i'm not sure=p
there got freezer to keep all the chemicals that need should be kept at low temperature,also got colorimeter, balance-many types act but didn't remember their names and etc..

then the evening session was even more boring...
as we were divided into small groups, so the groups which haven't go to the lab, went there in the evening..
now the groups who been there left with nothing to do...
i don't why they want to keep us there until 4 or 5 o'clock doing nothing...

later,one idea came into their mind i mean the 'tempes'..

pnah dgr Dr. wanna be menyanyi x???

hah ni la idea nye..menyanyi..
but thank to Allah the two boys sang so beautifully...
they really have nice voices...should go to program realiti tv like what we have in malaysia though i don't rilly like that kind india can la hahaha

the PG even ask any one of us to dance in front..ya Allah what's this??
ingat ni majlis ari jadi k??huh~
but alhamdulillah nobody came out to show his or her talents klu x xtau la ape akn jd...

act we left earlier than all the we have some stuff to settle,rilly???!!
Allah knows...
well now almost 5pm..n still haven't decide what to eat for dinner...
pnat la asyek nk kne pk mkn xde bende laen lak nk pk..
xpe la..
that all...
hopefully things we'll be better...insyAllah=)

Monday, July 19, 2010

a journey to incredible india??izit??

actually i don't rilly have idea what to write the traveling period hv been left for bout few days ago..
so i might forgot few or more

first of all, our flight to india was on 12 july to bangalore international airport..
flight nye pkol 10.10 tp pkol 6 dh kne ade kat klia...huh awal kn..but its ok lg pn luggage bsr tu kne check in cpt2..klu x nt tuan dh smpi luggage blom smpi lg..cmne tu??
tp kes ni did happen to 8 out of 22 of us...kecian sgt kt diorg...xpe2 ade hikmah tu,menguji kesabaran kte an..
ni sume cbb kingfisher yg sgt kecik n luggage2 kami yg sgt besar la haha..smpi xmuat nk angkut..
sabo je la..

lps cek in bag ade la mse smpi pkol 8pm..then,we gathered back-mdm tengku farah bg pesanan2 terakhir...
hah kat cni lg nurul dh buat patotnye kne gather pkol 8 tp bleh lg g toilet,teman ummi lg,huh mmg lambat la..miscal tu xleh cite la byknye..haha
sory sgt mdm tengku...xsengaje tu..
after briefing,we got only 5minutes utk salam parents n adek2 sume...
msti nk tau nurul nanges ke x an??an??an??
msti la nanges!!!!
tp alhamdulillah xlme la...yg penting dpt mintak maaf n doa dr parents..thats the most important rite??!!
lepas tu berpisah la kami..
turun jer escalator tu..kami dipisahkn oleh jarak namun nurul yakin sumenye dkt dihati tu yg xnanges lme2 tu..=)...
-mcm kuat jer-
pastu kne tgu smpi pkol 10 kowt bru leh msok air plane..tgk je la gmbr kat bwh ni..
leh la dpt gambaran sket2 kowt..
my family...wah rindunyer!!

iwan ni ske sgt bt muke...geram btol!!
bergambar ng kak hanem,kak ulfa n anak comeynye zinira..
ngah menunggu la ni..alhamdulillah xlame pn..

then,not so long after that...kami sume naik flight..even though that was my first tyme travel by aeroplane but everything went fact i juz felt like travelling by bus..bcz in eco class the spaces r not so big i culdnt see scenery outside plus its was dark..culdn't see anything..

after bout 3 to 4 hours we arrived at bangalore airport..
eh jap nk cte gak..agak seday cz i culdn't sleep at all..agak jelez ng org sebelh tdo dgn nenyaknye huh~
(adrenaline byk sgt kowt..ntah la)

finally we met mr Khai, wakil consul india..
jejak tnh india...xde la gementar sgt..but then i saw a group of suspicious men waiting outside the airport..quite scary la..thank God ktorg brani la sket..

we stayed at PRESIDENCY HOTEL that nite,3stars hotel even though its small but comfortable..
usually i cn't sleep on the first nite but this time i had a nice sleep...thankz to Allah=)

 shower yg agak canggih..

 woke at 5.15a.m...early rite???what to do....we had to~cz our flight to HUBLI was at 8.00a.m

we took KINGFISHER to travel to hubli..kecik je air plane ni..yela smpi ade 10 luggage terpakse ditgglkn..
cian luggage tu..
"tuan luggage"???berseday la mereka...they got them only the nxt day..

Mr. Khai left us,n told us that wakil from KLE UNIVERSITY will fetch us later at hubli airport..

she was mdm swarti...
before started our journey by bus(so called school bus), she gave us a special manisan,don't what was its name..taste like susu
ok la..not so good,not so bad...(rmi yg xabis pn...)
we also got chocolate(brand cadbury)dap2...

then we started the 2-3hours journey to BELGAUM...
mcm la jmpe on the way tu..stp singgah jap mkn "dosa" tp bkn dosa  yg kte langgar perintah Allah tu tau tau!! dap2
cm tosai tp ade isi kentang...n mcm perise lg ade...=p
masala ade...
egg ade..
cheese pn ade tau..jgn maen2=)

ni la kingfisher tu..xde la nmpak cm king sgt pown..
ade org tlg angkatkn beg..manje xpe la..beg mmg berat pown(overload la ktekn kui3)
ni la manisan nye..chocolate pn ade skali=)
tu la dosai nye..

nk tgk pemandangan nye x??
teka ni ape???
(jwpn...nye ialah~TOL...antik kn..)
cari "coach wanita" plak...hehe
pepsi pn ade tau..jgn maen2

smpi dh..
ni la bus nye.."kami la geng bas sekolah"
ni hostel ku kini..n insyAllah for the nxt 5years..
ni tmpt mkn n bli minimart la

best la gak skrg ngah musim sejuk sgt2...
ok stkt ni dlu...
nurul windu MALAYSIA.................

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

hari2 terakhir....

menghitung hari2 terakhir di malaysia utk thn ni...

counting down???
how many days to go??

oh my dear friends,today=tuesday equals to my last tuesday in malaysia...
tp xtau la if later get another wonderful opportunity blek malaysia ke bln 12 ni,
but who knows anything culd happens...

insyAllah for sure...
NO RAMADHAN in malaysia this year n quite high possibilty also for nxt 5 year...huwah='(
NO SYAWAL also...(tabahkn daku Ya Allah)

yesterday was the day which confirming everything...
we, all ex-KI students went to jpa office at putrajaya,precint 1..
we went together by ktt bus...well we had to even though most of us planned to go there by ourselves,jpa stopped us..they even 'blackmailed' us...that if we didn't go wif ktt our allowance w'll be delayed...
allowance kamu akn ditahan...(oh MY GOD,mne boleh jd..)
we were wandering,knape la jpa mendesak sgt sruh kitorg g ng ktt, sdgkn my house lbh dkt ng putrajaya dr ktt tu...huh~ sbr je la..
some said : rsenye cbb xcukup parking lot kowt..(myb btol la tu..mmg agak xbyk puun..)

we got almost everything yesterday..
i can say,mmg agak 'kaye' la skrg ni..hehe

but i'm feeling bit distract right byk important document yg kne bwk on the departure day...
huwahhhhhhhhhhhhh....rse mau nanges!!
departure day is just around the corner..
so near!!
next MONDAY!!

Ya Allah..
adakah hamba-Mu ini sudah bersedia??
mental n fizikal..
dptkah keimanan yg ade dlm dri ini membimbing hidupku diperantauan??
iman ini maseh lemah ya Allah..
bimbingla ak dn kwn ku yg laen..
bantula perjuangan kami untuk menpelajari ilmu yg maha luas..
kpd kwn2 KLE ku...marilah kte saling bekerjasame dn semoge kte menjadi hamba-Nya yg tabah

Friday, June 25, 2010

sebuah pengalaman yg indah..thankz to Allah=)

Alhamdulillah arini jumaat yg mulia ini Allah beri kesempatan untuk kite hidup di bumi Allah yg penuh rahmat...

sy pn xtau la ape yg istimewa dgn dri ni..
tp ditakdirkn Allah,ade insan2 yg dpt melihat kelebihan yg dikurniaan Yg Maha Esa dlm diri yg kerdil ini...yg mane dri sendri maseh xmengerti dn jelas mngenainya..
sesunguhnya setiap yg berlaku itu pasti ada hikmahnya..dn
Allah tidak menciptakn sesuatu dgn sia-sia
Allah takdirkn sy pegi sekolah yg pd awalnye nurul nangis2 xnk pegi..(ape la bt malu jer kn..)
tp mmg  pengetahuan kte sgt cetek..
Allah dh plan dh untuk kte..

Alhamdulillah, byk yg sy dpt pelajari dri sekolah tu(SESERI la tu..)
bljr cmne nk gunekn mase dgn lebih baek..
bljr utk lebih berdikari..
bljr utk kawal nafsu   (nk maen,nk borak,nk tgk tv....xlarat pn cz pnt nk tdo je tau mkn tu mmg full wk2 mkn sume,mmg susah la nk miss haha)
bljr utk lebih hormat guru2 kte..
xkre mcmne pn guru kte,sme la kte hormati mrk...siape la kte nk dibandingkn ilmu dn pengalaman yg diorg ade...(semoge Allah merahmati guru2 kte..ameen)
yg paling menggembirekn ble Allah kurniakn shbt2 yg sgt membantu dlm perjuangan menuntut ilmu..
lg menggembirekn ble ukhwah itu maseh terjalin hingge kini...
thank you Allah..

sungguh Allah itu Maha Pengasih lg Maha penyayang..
smlm sy mengalami saat yg sgt sukar,yg tidak dpt dilupekn n nurul berharap akn selalu ingat peristiwe tu spy dpt dijdkn pengajarn dlm hidup ni..namun,Alhamdulillah Allah ade utk kuatkn dri yg lemah ni..
dn trime kseh juge kpd shbtku yg sentiase menyokong dn menyayangi dri ni..
hanye Allah dpt membalas jasemu,shbtku..(nurul syg sgt pd kamu)
ni ade pesanan yg brmkne bt dri ni..
simpan la air mata 2 utk Allah..menangisla krana takutkan Allah..ganjaran die besar..
btol,itulah yg terbaek..

so arini ntah mcmane sy kne bg kte2 semangat kat adek2 yg bakal amek upsr thn ni...
bykla pk b4 tu..
nk ckp ape la ni..??
upsr??dh lme tgglkn ni..??
knape la ak pulak ni??
bknnye pandai ckp pn..
n bkn pnah pn nk bg semangat2 kat bdk2 ni..
tp mmg xdpt nk tolak..
abg Nasir(kenalan mk ck) sgt2 mangharap..
kate2 die mmg xleh nk sangkal la..

so dgn gementarnye brushe jugak la utk beri yg terbaek..
SEKOLAH RENDAH CAHAYA UMMI...(nme yg indah btol..)
ingatkn 6-8 org jer..
smpi2 cikgu kte tmbh adek2 thn 5 skali...huh lg gementar la..
pastu plus cikgu2..rmi la jugak..
Ya Allah ape nk ckp ni???
akhirnye,nk xnk bermule la sesi tersebut..tyme ngh ckp tu rse nk terkeluar je air mate ni..(huh nseb xkuar,klu xbt malu je ng adek2)
tp nurul btol2 kagum dgn adek ni..
mrk sgt clear dgn mse dpn diorg...ble tnye cite2,sumenye hebat2..
ade yg nk jd Dr. pakar bedah,pensyarah,guru,pilot,engineer bkn setakat engineer biase2 dh specific robotik la,automotif la..
kagum sungguh..
waktu sebaye diorg dlu ape je yg sy tau..
cite2 pn maseh xtetap lg..

sy dpt lihat potensi yg besar dlm dri adek2 tu..
semoge sy dh menyampaikn sst kpd mereka..
semoge Allah sentiase memberi mrk petunjuk..
yg menyentuh hati ni,bile ade seorg adek ni cite2 nk mendalami ilmu agama dgn sebaek mungkin dn menyampaiknnye ke negare yg xtau psl islam..
Ya Allah, matang sungguh pemikiran adek ni..
umat islam begini la yg kte harapkan
semoge Allah mengabulkn cite2 adek ini dn islam dpt disebarkn dgn lbh meluas..
adek yg sgt bersemangat=)

 ummi a.k.a pengetua skola ni=)


p/s: maaf sekirenye byk crite psl dri sendri jer..
      maaf juge cz asyek nk nanges jer...
     buat pengetahuan sume,skola cahaya ummi tu skola agama swasta
      n dkt jer dgn rumah sy..
     semoge Allah bri petunjuk kpd kte semua..ameen
     wan goodluck!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

selamat berjuang,sahabatku..

arini 24 jun,nurul punye shbt akn menduduki exam final utk thn kedua medic di universiti ain syam,cairo..

so kpd Wan,lakukn yg terbaek..
kte tau wan dh byk berushe n dh study bersungguh-sungguh,(wan mmg hebat huhu...)
so wan bertawakal la kpd Allah krn hanya Allah lah tempat kite memohon pertolongan..

kalau2 "black out" tu selawat n istighfar byk2 ky..
insyAllah,Allah akn tolong..(tp kte harap perkare tu xterjadi,nauzubillah..)

walaupn dh lme xjumpe,insyAllah kalau ade jodoh kte dpt berjumpe dlm keadaan yg lebih baek..amin

kepada semua yg sedang menghadapi final exam,
berushe la bersungguh-sungguh,
dn mari la kte berdoa utk shbt2 kte ky..

wan,uhibbukafillah(pinjam dr novel sinergi=p)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Senyuman yg indah,ke mana hilangnya??

Senyum merupakan anugerah Allah yg tidak ternilai harganya.
as we can see now in this era where technology is growing very rapidly to meet humans desires,there are many “smiley icons” which being used  as a medium to express our feelings towards other people..
It is a very good thing if it's truly comes from the bottom of our hearts. But what  if, it is not??
What if we just use it so that people wuldn’t know our true feelings..??
So that they think that we are happy n enjoying our life greatly….well i can say it is not a bad thing to hide your feelings or problems so that your friends or family wuldn’t worry about you…

But where is the sincerity??
As we know there are many types of smile..there many different kinds of smiley icon…
But the one and only smile that can make not only people surrounding us happy but also ourselves
is the smile that comes together with it’s a good deed which insyAllah Allah will grant us with pahala.

Rasulullah peace be upon him also has advised us in one of his hadis:
“Janganlah kalian menganggap remeh kebaikan itu,  walaupun itu hanya bermuka cerah pada orang lain,”. (riwayat HR. Muslim)
However, actually the purpose I’m writing this entry is that I want to let “we” see how our smiles has or has not changed towards our parents from age of a baby to an adolescent ..

The story begin…..(eh dh mcm Narnia pulak-xde kne-mengene pn, sory)
Allow me to tell in malay,it will be easier for me to deliver this..(sounds so crucial, well in fact,…..??you judge it ky)
Smlm tyme ngh kemas2 bilik ni ditakdirkn Allah tergerak nk melihat balek gmbr2 lame zaman kecik2 dulu..gmbr tyme baby,setahun,dua thun….gmbr adek2,cousins,mk cik, sume adelah..

Mcm gaye sumenye…
Byk kali jugakla tergelak tgk gmbr2 tu..

 Then at one point, terfikir sejenak…
Betapa gembirenye parents kite menyambut kelahiran kite di muka bumi Allah yg penuh berkat ini..
Diciumnye kite,dipeluk erat,didodoi,dimanjakn…
Dipakaikn dgn pakaian yg terbaek,diberi pendidikan yg sewajarnya…
Senyuman itu,senyuman yg penuh dgn keikhlasan dn kegembiraan……..

Namun bagaimana pula dgn diri kite??saye??bila kite makin besar,bile kite sudah pandai berkate2..
Apakah kate yg ungkapkan pada mereka??ibubapa kite??
Pernahkh kite mengungkapkn kate2 yg boleh melukakn hati mereka??
Tidak mendengar kate2 dn nasihat mereka..??
Mengendahkan arahan mereka..??
Maen smpi xingat dunie(sory hiperbola sket)..smpi senja tp bile disuruh solat oleh ibu mahupn ayah maseh lg diminta tangguh..

Tp itulah kite,sebilangan dr kite..tidak terkecuali diri sy..
Bile lihat gmbr2 tu,sy mule bertanye kpd dri…bagaimana pule care sy menunjukkn kaseh syg pd mereka??
Brape byk kali bgtau yg kite syg pd mereka??
Brape byk kali kite peluk n cium mereka??
Brape byk kali kite senyum pd mereka??
Sbnrnye sy penah dgr, care mudah utk mendapat pahala adalah dgn hanya melihat muka ibu bapa kite sme juge bile kite melihat al-Quran..(mohon perbetulkn sekiranye salah)…
Tidak dinafikn mmg agak payah bg sesetgh kite menyatakn bhw kite syg pd mereka termasuk juge diri sy but at least we have to try our very best to listen to them,showing respect and always pray for them.

So lps ni boleh g tgk balek gmbr lame tu..(not necessary pn=)
Tgk muke parents kite,gembire2 dukung kite…
Marilah kite muhasabah diri kite balek..

Kpd shbt2 yg akn ke india xlame lg,marilah kite hargai mase yg maseh ade ini..
Dn kpd yg sudah berade di perantauan,jgn bersedih..
“biar jauh di mate asal dekat di hati”

Maaf atas salah dn silap
Semoge Allah merahmati parents kite dn semoge kite menjadi anak2 yg soleh dn solehah amin Ya Rabb..-xtau la tajuk tu sesuai atau tak-