Saturday, April 30, 2011

finally i did it!!yeay!!

salam..hello guys!!
i'm here to talk about 1 of  my achievement LoL..
it was nothing act..

here the story goes,recently i read a book entitled '5 thn 5bln'(5years 5 months) by hlovate...
the story was nice but act i havn't finishd it,half way the middle of it they talked about foods n i interested to dis one food PEACH COBBLER,the main character always make it plus the HERO also good at making it..
so i said to myself y don't i give it a try..

i seriously wanna try making the PEACH COBBLER but then i'm staying india n the part of india where i'm living rite now is quite difficult to find PEACH..never seen i before here
fortunately,after i checked the recipe online,the peach cn act be replaced but other fruits like APPLE,PEARS,BLUEBERRY etc..

hah,v have apple here but thy'r the imported one so a bid expensive anyway i dont care i still wanna do it!!

i finished class early yesterday as the class was cncld so i went out bought all the stuff dat i nid,act i wanted 2 buy cinnamon powder but culdn't find it so i juz bought the cinnamon in its ori form,the one dat looks like WOOD loL...

finally i made it!!it was not so difficult so everyone can give a try too^_^

A- 1 cup of sugar,1.5 cup of self-raising flour,1.5 cup of milk
B- 1 cup of sugar,1/2 cup of water,1 lemon, cinnamon, 4-5 apples(peeled,sliced)
C- 8 tablespoon of butter

oh!!u don't nid the cauliflowern tomatoes..nghee

vanilla essence,lemon are optional

1-mix all the ingredients in A slowly to avoid clumping n put drops of vanilla essence for a good smell...forming nice combination..u can add a pinch of      cinnamon powder if u want but dont too much if not it will become CINNAMON COBBLER haha..

2- on a medium fire or temperature for induction cooker like the one dat i use, mix all the ingredients in B for
about 10 minutes..the lemon u don't hav to peel,jus cut it into 2 n press to get its juice..mix them evenly ky..

3-melt 8 tablespoon of butter,remember don't ad 2 much if not it will become too oily..pour them into medium sized container..

4-onto the butter ad slowly the mixture of ingredients A,do not stir it.

5-spoon the apple on top n gently pour the syrup..

6-now u cn sprinkle top with cinnamon powder or scratch the WOOD like cinnamon like i did..haha

we are done...bake for 35-40 minuts at 180 degree celcius or 350 degree F
i love it!!
dig in dude!!


p/s: i'm going to make dis for my future husband..haha
simply said...simple a good start^_^

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Allah can do anything!!

subhanallah,juz now to be exact around 4-5pm indian time there was a wonderful phenomenon happnd,it was an ice here in belgaum...

i  juz culdn't rilly believe dat!!!
i fact its summer now,but with His power nothing is impossible..

it first i tot it was merely the normal rain,but then i culd hear very very loud sound,abnormal sound dat culd produce by the normal rain...was like stone hitting the roof*dis culdn't be the normal rain,ice rain??i tot

the i went out of room 2 check it out n see white solid thing falling down jus like the rain..
oh!!its true...its true...THE ICE RAIN...subhanallah..
this is miracle...this thing is not sumting dat always happen...

i'm staying at 5th floor,we(me n my frenz) went down n see on the ground,esp  at the entrance of my hostel there were a lot of ice scatered all over...
such a nice thing..such a wonderful feeling...THANK U ALLAH...

n frenz did take some pictures,so u guys can juz take a look at them...see the white colour things..

p/s: i love rain,the sound,the feeling,the view^_^
      i feel great!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

nk g GOA!!!

kwan2...isnin de cuti...bkn senang jnmc nk bg cuti ni...
ape lg jom la BEACH!!

tiket bas dh bli...pkol 3.30 pgi cmtu dh kne gerak dr hostel...huahaha
awal kowt xtau cmner nk bgon...xpe la beach punyer pasal...
tp sebalom tu nk mkn ais-kem dulu...
sy suke SORBET,walaupun xde kat india ni, i mean particularly in belgaum city...
nme je CITY kwn2 tp lom tentu de sume bnde...

ky la kte jamu mate je la ek...

emm...yummy kn^_^